1: Lie prone over a plyometric box. Position hips at 45° flexion and knees at 15° flexion. The non-test hip and knee rest in more flexion
2: Adjust housing height and subject position so the cuffs are at the level of the lateral malleolus with knee and hip angles as detailed
3: Ensure cuff is flush with back of calf / achilles, providing good contact and the sensor arm at right angles to the tibia/shank
1: Test unilaterally
2: Keep pelvis still and spine neutral while extending the test leg from the hip in a claw type action, maintaining the knee flexion angle
3: Extend proximal thigh to squeeze the lower calf into the cuff pad, building pressure while maintaining trunk and leg posture
4: Feel fatigue/work in the gluteals and upper hamstring
5: Build to maximum force over 5 seconds