Hip Adduction 90


Frame Setup Diagram

1: Lie supine, sacrum centred over middle gridline on base mat. Hips and knees flexed at 90°, feet unsupported

2: Adjust housing height to align flat pad with apex of medial femoral condyles

3: Feet in line with knees/hips and patella (knee caps) pointing to the ceiling.

4: Record height of top of carriers

5: Where subject has a long femur which prevents testing in this position, housing can be rotated to horizontal with legs through upright (as shown in photo 3)


1: Test bilaterally

2: Keep pelvis still

3: Tension the short adductors / guy wires close to the pelvis to slowly squeeze the sensor pads

4: High medial adductor / groin should be evident

5: Build to maximum force over 5 seconds

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Last updated on 2nd Apr 2023