Mid Thigh Pull - Gastrocnemius Bias


Frame Setup Diagram

1: Attach the mid thigh pull bar to sensor 4 with the housing rotated 180 degrees.

2: Stand far side of the housing with knee in extended position without being locked out. Testing foot to be centered on the mat with hips in neutral and trunk in vertical position. Foot of the non testing limb should be position just behind the testing foot with great toe resting on the mat to aid balance.

3: Keep your trunk vertical and your elbows extending with arms hanging close to your thigh. Ensure the housing is at a height where the slack is taken from the cord to perform an ISO pull with the ankle just into plantar grade when heel is lifted slightly.

4: Note, foam base may be removed to improve athlete stability.


1: Test unilaterally.

2: Maintain pressure through the front foot pushing the balls of the foot into the ground.

3: Keep lumbar posture, knee and hip angles the same as you develop force.

4: Build to maximum force over the 5 second period.

Protocol Image 1

Last updated on 2nd Apr 2023